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From the Voice of Our Volunteers

Mar 6, 2024
On what it means to be weird…
Night one of GSV training, something was put to words for me that I have been feeling for a while.

Jun 20, 2018
An Ode to Good Shepherd Volunteers
Simply Living does not come easily. However, For us it seems to come naturally. Searching for our Spirituality and discovering this...

Jan 2, 2018
Give All or Else Don't Give Anything
Each Good Shepherd Volunteer is asked to write a "Member Story" to reflect on their year of service. At the conclusion of her 2 years of...

Jul 18, 2017
Simplicity: Time, Space, and Presence
Last spring, I felt myself yearning for a few things: writing, reading, yoga, prayer, music, nature — essentially, space and time for...

Jul 5, 2017
Dear Future Good Shepherd Volunteers
Dear Future GSVs, A.A. Milne once said, “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” I realized within the past...

Jun 5, 2017
Unexpected Care
Self-care. It is a buzz word that you hear very often, but it is so much easier said than done. During my first few years of teaching,...

May 18, 2017
Coming to Terms with the Label "International Volunteer"
I never imagined myself as an international volunteer. Even to this day, as I write to you from Nongkhai, Thailand, the label seems just...

May 3, 2017
Who Run the World? Girls! - A tribute to the Commission of the Status of Women Conference
Beyoncé was right; girls really do run the world! Not all of society really thinks this way, but at least the United Nations recognizes...

Apr 24, 2017
Making a Difference
Today, in this day and age we are consumed by media, publicity and all things mass media involved, that we forget about the little things...

Apr 11, 2017
Being a Youth Development Counselor in NYC
Being a Youth Development Counselor (YDC) at Marian Hall is filled with both joyful and challenging moments. The most difficult part of...

Mar 31, 2017
Forever Touched by Non Khai: A Mother's Reflection
I am a worrier who hates to fly, so pretty much the only thing that would motivate me to travel halfway around the world, is seeing one...

Mar 16, 2017
What Does It Mean.
I find it a challenge to define my experience with Good Shepherd Volunteers in Thailand. As I have proceeded through life, I have found...

Feb 28, 2017
Personal Growth in GSV
Before Good Shepherd Volunteers I worked a 40 hour job, drove a car most places, sometimes shopped and binge watched shows for fun, and...

Feb 7, 2017
An Oasis Within the Chaos
It’s so great to be back at the Good Shepherd Shelter after the 3-week long holiday vacation. Although it’s been a cold and rainy start...

Jan 30, 2017
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Reflections
Earlier this month our New York Area Volunteers had the opportunity to attend two different events highlighting the legacy of Dr. Martin...

Jan 23, 2017
Spirituality, Social Justice, Community & Simplicity for a Lifetime
The goal for Good Shepherd Volunteers is to serve others who might not have had a fortunate start to their life. We try to tackle the...

Jan 6, 2017
My Communities
In GSV, the tenet of community is practiced and strengthened consistently. We talk about how we can support our community members and...

Dec 28, 2016
Living Out the Four Tenets of GSV
A friend of mine once told me that life in New York City is never black or white but a shade of gray. At first, I didn’t understand what...

Dec 19, 2016
A Chilean Christmas
This year will be my first year celebrating Christmas without my family, as well as my first Christmas outside of the United States. So...

Dec 5, 2016
Autumn is a Fire
Autumn is a fire I never want to burn out. Autumn is a fire, calmly and quietly searing; starting from the tips of the tree branches, and...
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