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From the Voice of Our Volunteers

Feb 21, 2024
"Community Understood" - A Lenten Reflection
Susan and I entered GSV as non-traditional volunteers as a married couple in our 30’s. We felt established in our identities and our ways, b

Mar 7, 2019
Thank You for You
Upon committing to volunteering in Thailand, I knew the language barrier would be a significant challenge I’d face during the year....

Aug 27, 2018
Introducing the 2018-2019 Good Shepherd Volunteers!
We are elated to ring in our 26th year with 11 volunteers placed in California, New Jersey, New York, and Thailand! The Good Shepherd...

Jul 15, 2018
One Month Down, 11 More to Go...
With only one month under our belts, I have anxiously been counting down the days. Bolivia has already become an experience to remember,...

Jun 20, 2018
An Ode to Good Shepherd Volunteers
Simply Living does not come easily. However, For us it seems to come naturally. Searching for our Spirituality and discovering this...

Feb 9, 2018
New Year's Resolution
New Year’s Resolutions… right! Happy New Year, folks. 2018 (2561 here in Thailand) is a “decisive year”, or so a good friend of mine...

Jan 2, 2018
Give All or Else Don't Give Anything
Each Good Shepherd Volunteer is asked to write a "Member Story" to reflect on their year of service. At the conclusion of her 2 years of...

Jul 18, 2017
Simplicity: Time, Space, and Presence
Last spring, I felt myself yearning for a few things: writing, reading, yoga, prayer, music, nature — essentially, space and time for...

Jun 5, 2017
Unexpected Care
Self-care. It is a buzz word that you hear very often, but it is so much easier said than done. During my first few years of teaching,...

May 18, 2017
Coming to Terms with the Label "International Volunteer"
I never imagined myself as an international volunteer. Even to this day, as I write to you from Nongkhai, Thailand, the label seems just...

Mar 31, 2017
Forever Touched by Non Khai: A Mother's Reflection
I am a worrier who hates to fly, so pretty much the only thing that would motivate me to travel halfway around the world, is seeing one...

Mar 16, 2017
What Does It Mean.
I find it a challenge to define my experience with Good Shepherd Volunteers in Thailand. As I have proceeded through life, I have found...

Dec 19, 2016
A Chilean Christmas
This year will be my first year celebrating Christmas without my family, as well as my first Christmas outside of the United States. So...

Oct 1, 2016
In Memoriam
As I have struggled in writing this blog, I realized that I hadn’t shared enough about one aspect of my volunteer experience in Thailand....
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